One Scary Night

Once when I was in 6th grade,  I stayed home from school because I was sick.  That night Rich had a high school basketball game,  mom and dad were taking tickets at the game,  Ann went to the high school game,  Doug had a church basketball game, and since I was sick I stayed home alone.   I think it was close tho 9:00 p.m. and very dark outside. Continue reading

Hard working family, maybe not always.

We had great parents and yes they taught us how to work together and how to play together. As a family, we hauled and sold firewood (I hated that job. It was hard, dirty work); we were caretakers of the Iona Cemetery, (I didn’t mind that job. I rode a riding lawnmower and got a suntan). We mowed our lawn and other people’s lawns. And we cleaned the house, sometimes. I remember one Saturday in the spring, the ward had a mother/daughter activity. Continue reading