First Christmas

Our first Christmas in our house was when Rich sold his house and was living with us for a period of time.  We moved into his house with him for a while, I don’t remember exactly how long it was, bit it was when Morrie and Genee returned from their second mission so we needed somewhere to go.  Rich offered us his house because Lisa had left and the girls were in Idaho.  We moved in there for a while because we were in transition as well. Continue reading

The Words of Life

Amyloidosis (am-uh-loi-DO-sis) is a rare disease that occurs when a protein called amyloid builds up in organs. This amyloid buildup can make the organs not work properly.  Organs that may be affected include the heart, kidneys, liver, spleen, nervous system, and digestive tract.  Some types of amyloidosis occur with other diseases. These types may improve with treatment of the other diseases. Some types of amyloidosis may lead to life-threatening organ failure.  Treatments may include chemotherapy with strong drugs used to treat cancer. Other types of medications can reduce amyloid production and control symptoms. Some people may benefit from organ or stem cell transplants.

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The Day Life’s Meaning Changed

As we reflect on our lives, we all have those moments that change the way we think or even who we are as a person.  It could have happened once, or maybe multiple times, but in the end, we are changed.  These are sometimes very personal and hard to relate because of the impact it rendered in our life.    This story is about one event that changed the Meaning of Life for me. Continue reading